Event Calendar

Thursday, October 9, 2025

2025 Director Finance Webinar Series (#4)

Start Date: 10/9/2025 8:30 AM CDT
End Date: 10/9/2025 10:00 AM CDT

Venue Name: Webinar

WI  United States 

Organization Name: Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association

Wendy Fassbind
Email: wendy@weca.coop
Phone: (608) 467-4589

Register for the full series HERE.

Director Finance Webinar Series
1-1/2 Skill Builder Credit/attendee to attend all 5 webinars
Please contact Wendy (wendy@weca.coop) for GROUP discounts (for full board)

Who Should Attend: Board Members

January 16 ~ Understanding when your cooperative will need more revenue and how to get it
May 15 ~ Monitoring the business plan/use in the CEO performance review
August 14 ~ Industry changes and cost increases the impact the operating statement
October 9 ~ Growth and decisions that impact the balance sheet
December 11 ~ Capital Credits: Policy, practice, and future considerations

Associate Membership

Associate membership in the Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association provides a continuing opportunity for providers of goods, services, materials, and equipment to build and maintain networking contacts with Wisconsin's electric co-ops and others with interests and needs related to all aspects of the electric power industry.

Learn More  >