Event Calendar

Wednesday, December 3, 2025

2025 Office Support Professional's Conference

Start Date: 12/3/2025 9:00 AM CST
End Date: 12/3/2025 4:00 PM CST

Venue Name: Holiday Inn South

4751 Owen Ayers Ct
Eau Claire, WI  United States  54701

Organization Name: Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association

Wendy Fassbind
Email: wendy@weca.coop
Phone: (608) 467-4589

Location: Holiday Inn South
Room Block Name:  WECA
Room Cut-Off: 
Rate: $125.95+/tax
Booking Link:  WECA December HI

Office Support Professional's Conference
1-1/2 Skill Builder Credits

Today's workplace is more complex than ever before and the roles and expectations of support staff are constantly evolving and growing. They are continually asked to do more with less, stretch their skills to fill in gaps, and quickly respond to ever-changing demands and priorities. 

Spend time with other support staff professionals in positions just like yours—sharing stories and trading tips with people who’ve been there, done that, and really understand how demanding your job can be.

Program information will be coming in summer 2025.

Associate Membership

Associate membership in the Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association provides a continuing opportunity for providers of goods, services, materials, and equipment to build and maintain networking contacts with Wisconsin's electric co-ops and others with interests and needs related to all aspects of the electric power industry.

Learn More  >