Start Date: 3/12/2024 9:00 AM CDT
End Date: 3/12/2024 4:00 PM CDT
Venue Name: Comfort Inn & Suites
N6295 Holiday Drive Black River Falls, WI United States 54615
Organization Name:
Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association
Due to lack of participation, we have decided to cancel this program.
Registration: 8:30 a.m.
Program: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Credit Issues & Collections Workshop (new content)
1-1/2 Skill Builder Credits
Our electric cooperatives are a
critical hub of our communities as we serve homes, businesses, industries, and our communities. What we provide and do is important to the lives and livelihoods of our members. One of the cooperative principles is
members’ economic participation , in fact, we rely on each of our services paying their fair and equitable share of the costs through their monthly billing. And yet we know at any given time some of our members will be experiencing difficult challenges. As a cooperative, we are different in our care and concern for our member-owners and our community.
This workshop will provide and be a conduit for attendees to share resources, partners, assistance techniques, and services we can (and should!) provide our members , because they are the owners of the cooperative, and because it’s the best and right thing to do. Additionally,
this workshop will provide a foundational understanding of what goes into rates and will include easy and conversational ways for you to communicate rate information , even in the most challenging of situations. With a strong understanding of these concepts, you will experience some of the most rewarding scenarios in helping your member owners through a difficult time.
What about the members that take advantage of being a member-owner and seem to expect the other members to carry their fair share, can’t get out of a cycle of being behind in their payments and are on the disconnect list almost monthly? These members may even be described as angry and disrespectful in their expectations of the services they receive from the cooperative. These situations are the most challenging for us as cooperative employees.
In this workshop we will
1) Discuss the importance of onboarding our member-owners in a way that helps them see the cooperative difference. You will be provided with examples of ways to do this at your cooperative. 2) Learn proven practices that proactively support the challenges that go along with late payment situations, and 3) Experience effective responses, processes and procedures that support policies during difficult situations, AND support the needs of you as an employee.