Event Calendar

Thursday, February 13, 2025

CCD Refresher (BLC)

Start Date: 2/13/2025 9:00 AM CST
End Date: 2/13/2025 4:00 PM CST

Venue Name: Florian Gardens Conference Center

2340 Lorch Ave
Eau Claire, WI  United States  54701

Organization Name: Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association

Wendy Fassbind
Email: wendy@weca.coop
Phone: (608) 467-4589

Registration:  8:30 a.m.
Program:  9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Holiday Inn South
4751 Owen Ayres Court
Eau Claire, WI 54701
(715) 830-9889
Room Block Name: Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association or WECA
Room Block Rate: $121 (double queen)
Room Block Expires: Friday, January 10
Room Block LinkFebruary Room Block

Rooms may be available under the room block after the cut-off date only if the hotel has rooms available. Contact the hotel directly to book rooms after the deadline.

CCD Refresher (BLC #990.1)
1-1/2 Skill Builder Credits

The five CCD courses provide a solid foundation for all directors, but over time directors may want to refresh themselves on key concepts discussed in the curriculum. This BLC course uses co-op specific case studies that reflect the challenges electric co-op boards face today to draw upon a director's knowledge of CCD concepts combined with the knowledge and experience directors have gained throughout their service on the board. Whether you completed your CCD two years ago or twenty, this course is designed for you.

  • The evolution fiduciary duties in the eyes of the courts over the last five years
  • How safety has evolved toward zero incidents and zero contacts.
  • The changing preferences and expectations of today's co-op members.
  • How increased access to data impacts decision-making at the cooperative.
  • The expanding role of risk oversight with the proliferation of risk and opportunities faced by electric co-ops.

Associate Membership

Associate membership in the Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association provides a continuing opportunity for providers of goods, services, materials, and equipment to build and maintain networking contacts with Wisconsin's electric co-ops and others with interests and needs related to all aspects of the electric power industry.

Learn More  >