Event Calendar

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Understanding the Electric Business (CCD)

Start Date: 2/11/2025 9:00 AM CST
End Date: 2/11/2025 4:00 PM CST

Venue Name: Florian Gardens Conference Center

2340 Lorch Ave
Eau Claire, WI  United States  54701

Organization Name: Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association

Wendy Fassbind
Email: wendy@weca.coop
Phone: (608) 467-4589

Registration: 8:30 a.m.
Program: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Understanding the Electric Business (CCD #2610)
2 Skill Builder credits

This course is designed to provide the electric distribution director with an understanding of the operational challenges electric cooperatives face. The course also presents a set of tools to facilitate due diligence in boardroom decision making on these issues.
Key Topics:
  • The policy and planning decisions boards make with regard to utility operations.
  • Developing a culture of safety at your cooperative.
  • How boards authorize resources consistent with the strategic plan, long-range financial.
  • The board’s role in the delivery of electricity includes how board provide direction.

Associate Membership

Associate membership in the Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association provides a continuing opportunity for providers of goods, services, materials, and equipment to build and maintain networking contacts with Wisconsin's electric co-ops and others with interests and needs related to all aspects of the electric power industry.

Learn More  >