WECA is the statewide voice for all of Wisconsin’s 24 electric distribution cooperatives and the sole generation and transmission cooperative headquartered in Wisconsin. Membership is limited to electric cooperatives or energy service cooperatives registered under Wisconsin’s cooperative law. 
WECA does have an associate membership program and sponsorship opportunities that promote and recognize the very important relationships between our members and those that help support their operations.
For now more than 80 years, WECA continues to be a strong voice for Wisconsin’s electric cooperatives to positively shape public policy, provide professional development opportunities for cooperative employees and directors, publish a monthly magazine with more than 171,000 subscribers, and provide other services that support the operational capacities of its members.

District 1

Craig Buros, Vernon Electric Cooperative
Dan Hillberry, Richland Electric Cooperative
Barbara Miller, Rock Energy Cooperative


District 2
Les Dokkestul, Jackson Electric Cooperative
Monica Obrycki, Eau Claire Energy Cooperative
Roger Wiff, Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services

District 3
Justin Jahnz, East Central Energy
Steve Johnson, Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative
Cynthia Thorman, Polk-Burnett Electric Cooperative

District 4
Allen Jicinsky, Clark Electric Cooperative
Karen Newbury, Price Electric Cooperative
Robert Cornell, Washington Island Electric Cooperative, Inc.

NRECA Director
Judi Anibas, Scenic Rivers Energy Cooperative (invited observer)

Associate Membership

Associate membership in the Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association provides a continuing opportunity for providers of goods, services, materials, and equipment to build and maintain networking contacts with Wisconsin's electric co-ops and others with interests and needs related to all aspects of the electric power industry.

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