Generator Safety

Portable or permanently installed standby generators can come in handy during long-term power outages. However, if you do not know how to use them properly, they can be dangerous. Contact a qualified vendor or electrician to help you determine what generator is best suited to your needs.


Stay Away from Downed Powerlines

Often, when we undertake outdoor activities, we don’t even think about power lines. Taking a few moments to become aware of your surroundings is a critical step to keeping yourself and your loved ones safe. Failure to notice high-voltage power lines can be a deadly oversight.


Don’t Let Unsafe Actions Make Waves in Summer Fun

Whether close to home or while on vacation, hot summer temperatures beckon many people to activities in and around the water. To help ensure that the fun stays in these summer activities, it is important to keep safety in mind. Safe Electricity shares tips to help keep you and your loved ones safe when enjoying water recreation activities this summer. 

Keep Your Family Safe During a Flood

Heavy rains often cause flooding in lowland areas, homes and basements. The prospect of an electrical accident is probably not top of mind when you’re dealing with a flooded basement, room or even outdoors. But, it’s the first thing you should think of before you step foot in the water.


auto accidentsPreparation and Awareness are Keys for Farm Electrical Safety

Farming among the more dangerous occupations for several reasons, and among them, potential for encounters with electrical hazards. Before taking to the fields, the Safe Electricity program urges farm workers to be aware of overhead power lines and to keep equipment and extensions far away from them.

cooking safetySafety Before and After Storms

Severe storms are more common in the spring and summer, but they can occur any time of year. Make sure you are prepared for a storm and know how to stay safe.

10-7-13-Safe-harvestChoose the Right Tree for the Right Place

Harvest season is one of the busiest times of year for farmers–and among the most dangerous. Before taking to the fields, Safe Electricity urges farm workers to be aware of potential electrical hazards and take steps to avoid tragedy.

Click here for more tips on staying safe around electricity


Associate Membership

Associate membership in the Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association provides a continuing opportunity for providers of goods, services, materials, and equipment to build and maintain networking contacts with Wisconsin's electric co-ops and others with interests and needs related to all aspects of the electric power industry.

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