When trees grow into or near power lines, they pose a threat to safety and to the reliability of your electrical service. Be conscious of the dangers of planting trees in locations where they may come into contact with overhead power lines or allow a person to climb or play in close proximity to a line.
If branches are touching the wires, the tree could be energized. Even branches not touching power lines could become energized if a child’s weight is added. Severe weather can cause trees and limbs to fall. If the trees or limbs are located near overhead power lines, they can damage the electrical wires that provide you and your neighbors with power, resulting in downed lines, power outages, or a fire.
Pruning is an important and necessary step in helping prevent these issues. Trimming trees near power lines is a dangerous job and is best left to professionals. In order to help maintain safety and electrical service reliability, your electric cooperative may either prune trees that are too close to power lines or will contact a tree trimming service to do so. Although simply trimming a tree is usually enough, some trees that are at risk of damaging power lines during severe weather—like dead or dying trees or those with a shallow root system—may need to be removed completely.
When planting new trees, plan for safety. Pick the right types of trees to plant in the right locations where they will not grow to be a problem with overhead power lines. Also, consider the location of underground lines. Call 811 to have buried utilities marked so that you can safely dig around them.