CALL BEFORE YOU DIG—it could save your life. That’s the message behind a new video released by Wisconsin's electric cooperatives, in partnership with Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange. The educational video is intended for both residential homeowners and contractors.

“Digging without knowing where electrical lines are located is extremely dangerous, and it happens far too often,” said Lynn Thompson, Eau Claire Energy Cooperative CEO. “Our hope is that this video will serve as a reminder that a little pre-planning can be the difference between life or death.”

There are 20 million miles of electrical lines buried underground, and one is damaged every six minutes. Projects such as planting a tree, installing a new fence, or digging a trench, using hand tools or power equipment, can lead to contact with underground lines if the digger doesn’t know where they are. To avoid hitting an electrical line, contractors and homeowners should call 811 at least three business days BEFORE digging, to have electrical line areas marked so they can be avoided.

Calling 811, also known as Diggers Hotline in Wisconsin, is not only a best practice, it’s the law. Wisconsin Statute 182.0175 requires you to notify Diggers Hotline before you excavate, grade, trench, dig, drill, augur, tunnel, scrape, plow cable or pipe.

This video was created and produced by Wisconsin's electric cooperatives, in partnership with Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange.

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